Sunday meetings at 9.30am
All visitors welcome

About MCF

Melbourne Christian Fellowship is a church located at Wonga Park approximately 29 km north-east from Melbourne's Central Business District. With a focus on Christian living, scriptural teaching, uplifting music and sincere worship, the church offers people a place to find life, hope and real connection to God’s purpose.

God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’s purpose and plan for every person is called, in the Bible, the Everlasting Covenant. This is Their desire for the sons and daughters of men to be born anew and then grow up as sons of God, in Christ Jesus. When the Son of God died and rose again, He established a pathway for the fulfilment of Their covenant purpose. A person is connected to this covenant through the gospel of sonship. This is the message that was preached by the apostles in the early church. It is the foundation of the word, worship and fellowship of Melbourne Christian Fellowship.

We invite you to come and hear this message every Sunday at our communion service and as it is shared from house to house.

Sunday Program

We invite you to join us every Sunday for our Communion Agape meal - Worship and Word from 9:30 - 11:15am and our Communion Agape meal - BYO Morning tea from 11-15am - 12:30pm.

Upcoming Events
  • Feb 19 - WP - Worship Training

    07:30 PM

  • Feb 23 - WP - Communion

    09:30 AM

  • Mar 2 - Combined Communion (WP)

    09:30 AM

  • Mar 9 - WP - Communion

    09:30 AM

  • Mar 15 - Bible School (WP)

    03:00 PM

  • Mar 16 - WP - Communion

    09:30 AM


To view the live-stream of our communion service, simply click on the Communion Lives Stream image above.

Communion App

Listen or watch collections of songs and word. The Communion app is availble for download from Apple and Microsoft stores. Click on links below.

messages messages

Some recent sermons and messages from Melbourne Christian Fellowship.